Monday, September 21, 2009

Cymbalta Fibromyalgia Drugs Explained

Pain Relievers for Fibromyalgia

Most doctors will start your fibromyalgia pain relief regimen by recommending that you take an over the counter pain medication.

The most commonly used over the counter pain medications for fibromyalgia include Tylenol, Ibuprofen, and Aspirin. However, many people find that these over the counter pain relievers are not very effective methods of pain relief for this condition. If this is the case with you, your doctor will probably prescribe you something stronger. They may try a stronger pain reliever like Tramadol or an opioid drug like Morphine or Hydrocodone.

Antidepressants for Fibromyalgia

If you are prescribed an antidepressant for fibromyalgia it may be for your depression, but it may also be used to reduce your painful symptoms. One of the newer drugs that's showing a lot of promise for treating people with fibromyalgia is called Cymbalta. Fibromyalgia doctors use a number of different antidepressants including Amitriptyline, Pamelor, Doxepin, Prozac, Zoloft, and Effexor, which is similar to Cymbalta. Fibromyalgia is used to reduce pain because the neurotransmitters that are responsible for relaying pain signals also relay mood signals. Naturally, this makes antidepressants useful for depression relief and fibromyalgia pain relief.

Anticonvulsants for Fibromyalgia

It would not be uncommon for your doctor to prescribe you an anticonvulsant rather than an antidepressant like Cymbalta. Fibromyalgia can be treated rather effectively with anticonvulsants like Lyrica. In fact, Lyrica is the only drug that is approved by the Food and Drug administration to treat people living with fibromyalgia. Anticonvulsants work the same way that the depression medications do, by blocking pain signals in the brain. Many people who have taken Lyrica have reported a significant decrease in pain and a notable increase in daily function.

Other Medications and Fibromyalgia

When it comes to treating your condition fibromyalgia pain relief is just part of the process. Most likely your doctor will have to treat other symptoms like sleeping problems and muscle pain or spasms. To treat temporary sleeping problems your doctor will prescribe you a sleep aid like Ambien. To treat your muscle spasms they will prescribe a muscle relaxant like Flexeril to take before bed. Other symptoms will be treated with corresponding medications as necessary. Most likely you will try one of the popular fibromyalgia drugs like Lyrica or Cymbalta. Fibromyalgia doctors often try a combination of different medications and therapies to provide their patients with fibromyalgia pain relief.

Some of the additional therapies that your doctor may recommend would include physical therapy, massage therapy, chiropractic manipulation, acupuncture, counseling, and biofeedback. In most cases your best chance for relief involves you settling on a combination of medicines and non-medicinal therapies. Once you find what works for you and you are routine with it you will find living with fibromyalgia isn't as difficult as you once thought.

What's a Good Arthritis Medicine for Me, Doctor?

Pain is the body’s warning signal that something is wrong. If the pain is due to overuse or arthritis there are many things to consider. In all likelihood, one of the first things a person will reach for is an over-the-counter Anti-inflammatory medicine.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medicines work by blocking the synthesis of cyclooxygenase, the enzyme responsible for the production of pro-inflammatory prostaglandins. The two different pathways that are blocked are COX-1 and COX-2.

Despite the negative publicity surrounding COX-2 drugs, it is clear that all anti-inflammatory drugs have potential cardiovascular risks. These drugs also may inhibit bone and tendon healing. They may also block the absorption of nutrients... So the weekend warrior needs to take notice.

Nonetheless, anti-inflammatory drugs remain a bulwark for the treatment of painful episodes.

Here are some simple suggestions:

If you’re going to undertake an activity that you’re sure will cause a problem, it’s OK to pop a small amount... say 200 mgs of ibuprofen before you do whatever you’re going to do. Unless it’s a marathon. Dehydration and anti-inflammatory drugs do not mix!

After your activity, it’s also OK to pop a bit of ibuprofen or naproxen (200 mgs). Just make sure you’re well hydrated. Also do not take these medicines if you have any underlying liver, kidney, or heart disease!

If you already take anti-inflammatory drugs on a regular basis, remain well-hydrated, and avoid alcohol when exercising or undertaking strenuous activity. With the recent data regarding cardiovascular risk, it’s a good idea to get your heart checked out.

Make sure you take your anti-inflammatory medicines with food. Sometimes people who develop indigestion with anti-inflammatory medicines but who do not have an ulcer will benefit from taking a proton pump inhibitor medicine such as Nexium or Protonix.

If you absolutely can’t take anti-inflammatory medicines because of a true allergy or if you have an ulcer- or another valid reason- you can try acetaminophen (Tylenol). The primary concerns here are that you not take this drug with alcohol (liver toxicity is increased) and you should not take this drug if you have significant liver or kidney disease.

An interesting new drug is Limbrel, a food-based COX-2 inhibitor. It has good effectiveness and appears to be well-tolerated by most patients.

Another option is tramadol (Ultram) which is a pure analgesic. Ask your physician about this.

Always consult with your physician prior to taking these medicines on a regular basis. Anti-inflammatory drugs may affect the metabolism of other prescription drugs.